Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
from past.utils import old_div

import cv2
import numpy as np
from ..lib.arrayops import (normsigmoid, normalize, Bandpass, Bandstop,
                            findminima, findmaxima, find_near, smooth, getOtsuThresh, convexityRatio,
                            filterFactory, brightness, background, thresh_biggestCnt, contours2mask,

def _getBrightAlpha(backgray, foregray, window=None):
    Get alpha transparency for merging foreground to
    background gray image according to brightness.
    (This is a test and not intended for practical use)

    :param backgray: background image.
    :param foregray: foreground image.
    :param window: window used to customizing alfa. It can be a binary or alpha mask,
            values go from 0 for transparency to any value where the maximum is visible
            i.e a window with all the same values does nothing. A binary mask can be used,
            where 0 is transparent and 1 is visible. If not window is given alfa is not
            altered and the intended alpha is returned.
    :return: alfa mask
    # this method was obtained for a particular problem, change to an
    # automated one
    backmask = normalize(normsigmoid(backgray, 10, 180) + normsigmoid(backgray, 3.14, 192) +
                         normsigmoid(backgray, -3.14, 45))
    foremask = normalize(normsigmoid(foregray, -1, 242)
                         * normsigmoid(foregray, 3.14, 50))
    foremask = normalize(foremask * backmask)
    foremask[foremask > 0.9] = 2.0
    ksize = (21, 21)
    foremask = normalize(cv2.blur(foremask, ksize))
    if window is not None:
        foremask *= normalize(window)  # ensures that window is normilized to 1
    return foremask

[docs]def get_beta_params_hist(P): """ Automatically find parameters for bright alpha masks using a histogram analysis method. :param P: gray image :return: beta1 for minimum valley left of body, beta2 for brightest valley right of body where the body starts at the tallest peak in the histogram. """ hist_P, bins = np.histogram(P.flatten(), 256, [0, 256]) window = "hamming" # 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman' window_len = 51 hist_PS = smooth(hist_P, window_len, window=window, correct=True) otsu = getOtsuThresh(hist_P) # Otsu value minima = findminima(hist=hist_PS) # minima values maxima = findmaxima(hist=hist_PS) # maxima values if minima != [] and maxima != []: data_body = find_near(maxima, thresh=otsu, side="right") beta1 = find_near(minima, thresh=data_body, side="left") beta2 = find_near(minima, thresh=data_body, side="right") else: # case where histogram is uniform and does not have minima or maxima values beta1 = beta2 = otsu if beta2 == beta1: beta2 += 1 # prevents overlapping return beta1, beta2
[docs]def get_bright_alpha(backgray, foregray, window=None): """ Get alpha transparency for merging foreground to background gray image according to brightness. :param backgray: background image. (as float) :param foregray: foreground image. (as float) :param window: window used to customizing alfa. It can be a binary or alpha mask, values go from 0 for transparency to any value where the maximum is visible i.e a window with all the same values does nothing. A binary mask can be used, where 0 is transparent and 1 is visible. If not window is given alfa is not altered and the intended alpha is returned. :return: alfa mask """ backmask = Bandpass(3, *get_beta_params_hist(backgray) )(backgray) # beta1 = 50, beta2 = 190 foremask = Bandpass(3, *get_beta_params_hist(foregray) )(foregray) # beta1 = 50, beta2 = 220 foremask = normalize(foremask * backmask) if window is not None: foremask *= normalize(window) # ensures that window is normilized to 1 return foremask
[docs]def get_beta_params_Otsu(P): """ Automatically find parameters for alpha masks using Otsu threshold value. :param P: gray image :return: beta1 for minimum histogram value, beta2 for Otsu value """ # process histogram for uint8 gray image if P.any(): # if array is not empty hist, bins = np.histogram(P.flatten(), 256) # get Otsu thresh as beta2 beta2 = bins[getOtsuThresh(hist)] return np.min(P), beta2 # beta1, beta2 return 0.0, 1.0
[docs]def get_layered_alpha(back, fore): """ Get bright alpha mask (using Otsu method) :param back: BGR background image :param fore: BGR foreground image :return: alpha mask """ # find retinal area and its alpha mask_back, alpha_back = retinal_mask(back, biggest=True, addalpha=True) mask_fore, alpha_fore = retinal_mask(fore, biggest=True, addalpha=True) # convert uint8 to float backgray = brightness(back).astype(float) foregray = brightness(fore).astype(float) # scale from 0-1 to 0-255 backm = alpha_back * 255 forem = alpha_fore * 255 # get alpha masks fro background and foreground backmask = Bandstop( 3, *get_beta_params_Otsu(backm[mask_back.astype(bool)]))(backgray) foremask = Bandpass( 3, *get_beta_params_Otsu(forem[mask_fore.astype(bool)]))(foregray) # merge masks alphamask = normalize(foremask * backmask * (old_div(backm, 255.))) return alphamask
[docs]def retina_markers_thresh(P): """ Retinal markers thresholds to find background, retinal area and optic disc with flares based in the histogram. :param P: gray image :return: min,b1,b2,max where: black background < min b1 > retina < b2 flares > max """ # calculate histogram #hist_P = histogram(P)[0] hist_P, bins = np.histogram(P.flatten(), 256, [0, 256]) # filter histogram to smooth it. window = "hamming" # 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman' window_len = 51 # it smooths and expands the histogram hist_PS = smooth(hist_P, window_len, window=window, correct=True) #from scipy.signal import savgol_filter #hist_PS = savgol_filter(hist_P, window_len, polyorder = 3) otsu = getOtsuThresh(hist_P) # Otsu value minima = findminima(hist=hist_PS) # minima values maxima = findmaxima(hist=hist_PS) # maxima values # INITIAL DATA data_min_left = P.min() # initial minimum value data_min = find_near(maxima, thresh=data_min_left) #data_min_right = find_near(minima, thresh=data_min, side="right") data_max = P.max() data_max_left = find_near(minima, thresh=data_max, side="left") # SECONDARY DATA data_body = find_near(maxima, thresh=otsu, side="right") data_body_left = find_near(minima, thresh=data_body, side="left") #data_body_right = find_near(minima,thresh=data_body,side="right") return data_min, data_body_left, data_body, data_max_left
[docs]def find_optic_disc_watershed(img, P): """ Find optic disk in image using a watershed method. :param img: BGR image :param P: gray image :return: optic_disc, Crs, markers, watershed """ assert img is not None and P is not None #fore = cv2.cvtColor(P,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # create watershed data_min, data_body_left, data_body, data_max_left = retina_markers_thresh( P) watershed = np.zeros_like(P).astype("int32") mk_back, mk_body, mk_flare = 1, 2, 3 # background FIXMED use P.min() and aproaching to local maxima watershed[P <= data_min] = mk_back watershed[np.bitwise_and(P > data_body_left, P < data_body)] = mk_body # main body # find bright objects flares_thresh = (P >= data_max_left).astype(np.uint8) contours, hierarchy = findContours( flares_thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) mks_flare = [] for i, cnt in enumerate(contours): index = mk_flare + i mks_flare.append(index) # Flares. this can be used approaching watershed[contours2mask(cnt, shape=watershed.shape)] = index # to local maxima, but brightest areas are almost # always saturated so no need to use it markers = watershed.copy() # apply watershed to watershed # FIXME perhaps the function should be cv2.floodFill? cv2.watershed(img, watershed) # different classification algorithms could be used using watershed contours_flares = [] for mk_flare in mks_flare: brightest = np.uint8(watershed == mk_flare) contours, hierarchy = findContours( brightest, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contours_flares.extend(contours) Crs = [(i, j) for i, j in [(convexityRatio(cnt), cnt) for cnt in contours_flares] if i != 0] # convexity ratios Crs.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[0]) candidate = Crs[-1] ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(candidate[1]) optic_disc = np.zeros_like(P) cv2.ellipse(optic_disc, ellipse, 1, -1) # get elliptical ROI return optic_disc, Crs, markers, watershed
[docs]def layeredfloods(img, gray=None, backmask=None, step=1, connectivity=4, weight=False): """ Create an alpha mask from an image using a weighted layered flooding algorithm, :param img: BGR image :param gray: Gray image :param backmask: background mask :param step: step to increase upDiff in the floodFill algorithm. If weight is True step also increases the weight of the layers. :param connectivity: pixel connectivity of 4 or 8 to use in the floodFill algorithm :param weight: Increase progressively the weight of the layers using the step parameter. :return: alpha mask """ if gray is None: if len(img.shape) > 2: gray = brightness(img) else: gray = img # initialization of flags for flooding flags = connectivity | cv2.FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE | cv2.FLOODFILL_MASK_ONLY h, w = gray.shape # get image shape # pad mask to add 1 layer of pixels # this is needed in the flood operation mask = np.zeros((h + 2, w + 2), np.uint8) # create the background mask if backmask is None: backmask = background(gray) mask_background = np.zeros((h + 2, w + 2), np.uint8) mask_background[1:-1, 1:-1] = backmask # get area of background mask area_background = np.sum(mask_background) # low and high limits for flooding lo, hi = 255, 0 # first seed point of the minimum color xs, ys = np.where(gray == np.min(gray)) seed_pt = xs[0], ys[0] # flood adding overal layers starting from background area = 0 hi = step all = np.zeros_like(mask, np.float32) while hi <= 255: mask[:] = 0 cv2.floodFill(img, mask, seed_pt, (255, 255, 255), (lo,) * 3, (hi,) * 3, flags) if weight and area >= area_background: all += mask.astype("float") * hi elif not weight and area >= area_background: all += mask.astype("float") else: area = np.sum(np.bitwise_and(mask, mask_background)) hi += step all = all[1:-1, 1:-1] all /= all.max() return all
[docs]def retinal_mask(img, biggest=False, addalpha=False): """ Obtain the mask of the retinal area in an image. For a simpler and lightweight algorithm see :func:`retinal_mask_watershed`. :param img: BGR or gray image :param biggest: True to return only biggest object :param addalpha: True to add additional alpha mask parameter :return: if addalpha: binary mask, alpha mask else: binary mask """ # pad image to add 1 layer of pixels # this is used to correctly flood all the background if len(img.shape) > 2: h, w, c = img.shape imgP = np.zeros((h + 2, w + 2, 3), np.uint8) imgP[1:-1, 1:-1, :] = img P = brightness(imgP) else: h, w = img.shape imgP = np.zeros((h + 2, w + 2), np.uint8) imgP[1:-1, 1:-1] = img P = imgP # get flooded alpha mask mask_alpha = 1 - layeredfloods(imgP, gray=P)[1:-1, 1:-1] hist, bins = np.histogram(mask_alpha.flatten(), 256) thresh = bins[getOtsuThresh(hist)] mask_binary = (mask_alpha > thresh).astype(np.uint8) if biggest: # process to give only the biggest object a = thresh_biggestCnt(mask_binary) mask_binary = np.zeros_like(mask_binary) cv2.drawContours(mask_binary, [a], 0, 1, -1) # get current fillet ROI if addalpha: #if biggest: mask_alpha[mask_binary==0] = 0 return mask_binary, mask_alpha return mask_binary
[docs]def retinal_mask_watershed(img, parameters=(10, 30, None), addMarkers=False): """ Quick and simple watershed method to obtain the mask of the retinal area in an image. For a more robust algorithm see :func:`retinal_mask`. :param img: BGR or gray image :param parameters: tuple of parameters to pass to :func:`filterFactory` :param addMarkers: True to add additional Marker mask. It contains 0 for unknown areas, 1 for background and 2 for retinal area. :return: if addMarkers: binary mask, Markers mask else: binary mask """ if parameters is not None: myfilter = filterFactory(*parameters) # alfa,beta1,beta2 img = (myfilter(img.astype("float")) * 255).astype("uint8") # *fore.astype("float") P = brightness(img) # get scaled image brightness thresh, sure_bg = cv2.threshold( P, 0, 1, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) # obtain over threshold thresh, sure_fg = cv2.threshold(P, thresh + 10, 1, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) markers = np.ones_like(sure_fg).astype("int32") # make background markers markers[sure_bg == 1] = 0 # mark unknown markers markers[sure_fg == 1] = 2 # mark sure object markers cv2.watershed(img, markers) # get watershed on markers thresh, mask = cv2.threshold(markers.astype( "uint8"), 1, 1, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # get binary image of contour if addMarkers: return mask, thresh return mask